Ideas for Goal-Setting
If you’re not sure what goals you might want to set for yourself when setting your goals for the course, here are a few ideas to help you get started. Don’t limit yourself to just these ideas! They are just here to show you some possibilities and get your creative juices flowing. Note that these are not requirements and you do not have to do all of these in order to demonstrate learning in the course.
Blog Posts
- Submit a blog post in most weeks during the semester.
- For each of the learning objectives “Theory”, “Implementation”, “Navigation”, “Experimentation,” and “Social Responsibility,” complete at least two blog posts that cover each objective.
- Note: many blog posts address multiple objectives.
- Submit the first draft of no more than two blog posts after the “best-by” date.
- Revise at least five blog posts to the “No Revisions Suggested” level.
- Go above and beyond in at least two blog posts by implementing more complex algorithms, discussing more advanced theory, or performing experiments significantly beyond what is requested.
- Propose and complete a blog post on a topic not covered in lecture, especially one related to your areas of focused interest.
- Propose and complete an additional blog post on a topic related to algorithmic bias and social responsibility.
Course Presence
- Complete all core readings prior to each class periods.
- Complete the optional readings that correspond to my areas of specialization.
- “Pass” at most once when asked to lead the warmup activity for my group.
- Ask questions or make suggestions for the warmup presenter in most weeks.
- Propose questions ahead of time for our guest speaker.
- Organize a study group outside of class time to work on blog posts or other course work.
- Attend a study group outside of class time.
- Frequently attend Peer Help or Student Hours (after preparing questions and working examples).
- Regularly post questions or answers on the course Slack workspace.
- Submit all project milestones (proposal, progress report, etc) on time.
- Set regular time each week to work with project partners.
- Communicate with my group in a clear and timely manner.
- Implement algorithms or write automated checks of algorithms written by teammates.
- Draft designated sections of the project report.
- Revise sections of the project report in response to feedback.
- Lead creation of the final project presentation.
- Take the lead in delivering part of the final project presentation.
- Take the lead in checking project figures for accuracy and clear labeling.
© Phil Chodrow, 2024